Week38 - Weapon Guitar (Portfolio 2) Sculpt Adjustments, Game Res Model & UV

Cell Shader Test with Directional Lighting (Unreal 5)
Sculpt Adjustments (ZBrush)
Game Res Render (Maya)
Game Res Wireframe (Maya)
Original UV Layout
Texture Blockout (Substance Painter)
Texture Atlas UV Setup
RAM Base Texture Atlas (Photoshop)
Simple Cell Shader
will need to make the RAM SSS (Sub Shadow Surface) map and RAM ILM map to further this shader

Weapon Guitar Project Schedule
Week 01 - Reference, Block out & Initial High Res Sculpt
Week 02 - High Res Adjustments, Game Res Model & UV (First Pass Texture)
Week 03 - Hand Painted Textures (based on research)
Week 04 - 2D Shader (based on research)

Research Project Schedule
(This schedule is subject to change according to research findings.)
Week 01 - Texture in Blender VS Substance Painter
Week 02 - Guilty Gear Shader Research
Week 03 - Hand Painted Textures
Week 04 - Putting it all together in Unreal

Concept Art by IdeaXu


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