Week39 - Weapon Guitar (Portfolio 2) Texture Maps & Shader Test

Demo of Shader being effected by Directional Light in Unreal

Cell Shader Material (utilizing BASE, SSS, ILM Maps)

BASE Map with UV overlay
BASE Map - SSS Map - ILM Map
To create the SSS map I took the BASE map and merged it with a tint layer.
After that I set the layer type to multiple, with the BASE map underneath to get the final SSS map.
ILM Map Layers are made by Multiplying a base color (RGB) over layers of white, grey and black to create individual channels. Folder groups layer type is then set to Screen to get the final result.

Alpha Channel - Line Art

Red Channel - Specular Intensity
(White - Full Specular / Grey - Partial Specular / Black - No Specular)

Green Channel - Ambient Occlusion
(White - Always Lit / Black - Always Shadow / Grey - Effected by Shader Lighting)

Blue Channel - Specular Occlusion
(White - Always Highlight / Black - Never Highlight / Grey - Highlight when Lit)

Weapon Guitar Project Schedule
Week 01 - Reference, Block out & Initial High Res Sculpt
Week 02 - High Res Adjustments, Game Res Model & UV (First Pass Texture)
Week 03 - Textures Maps & 2D Cell Shader (based on research)
Week 04 - Fixing Texture Maps & Lighting Scene

Research Project Schedule
(This schedule is subject to change according to research findings.)
Week 01 - Texture in Blender VS Substance Painter
Week 02 - Guilty Gear Shader Research
Week 03 - Texture Maps
Week 04 - Putting it all together in Unreal

Concept Art by IdeaXu


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