Week43 - AT-ST (Star Wars) Final Delivery

Portfolio Focus
My current portfolio heavily focuses on organic character / creature models, so going into this project I knew I wanted to create a hard surface character.
  • ATST Walker is one of the main hero assets of the project.
  • To complete such a detailed model on schedule I used a mid poly work flow.
    •  After the initial proxy to get the sizing right in scene, I created a more detailed model which would double as my final game res. I did not do any sculpting in ZBrush for this character and instead focused on adding as much detail as possible in the textures.
  • To increase the resolution of this model, I used two texture sets (one for the main body and another for the legs, which were mirrored).
  • The goal of this project was to produce a realistic Star Wars scene, with the movie Rouge One heavily inspiring the location and final look of the project. As such I spent a ton of time with the detail work on the walker's textures.
    • In the movies the walkers are pretty much a single shade of grey, so to add variety I added a gradient, layers of dirt, sand and wear n' tear on the joints, rust along the panels, and sun damage to try and break up the grey. 
  • Overall this project gave me a ton of practice with hard surface modeling and realistic texturing.
Rebellion Squad

Additional Work
After completing the Walker I also created a few decals to help decorate the level.
Final Animatic

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